
Bold & Courageous Leadership


I will fight for Southern Illinois and be your voice in Congress, fighting tooth and nail to protect our Second Amendment rights and defend the sanctity of life. And I will always be a champion for American jobs and working families.
Darren Bailey and Family

Meet Darren Bailey

A farmer, family man, and fellow citizen from rural Illinois, Darren Bailey’s conservative roots run deep.

Chip in to Restore Illinois

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Well, if you know me good enough, you know I’m always up for a challenge…..
Cindy and I are in Mexico. I was asked by my communications director and now dear friend, Joe DeBose to officiate his wedding tomorrow. I was beginning to wonder if his beautiful bride Nataly existed. Today, Cindy and I got to meet her. Cannot wait until tomorrow!!!
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7 hours ago
Well, if you know me good enough, you know I’m always up for a challenge…..
Cindy and I are in Mexico. I was asked by my communications director and now dear friend, Joe DeBose to officiate his wedding tomorrow. I was beginning to wonder if his beautiful bride Nataly existed. Today, Cindy and I got to meet her. Cannot wait until tomorrow!!!

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So sweet! What a beautiful opportunity to hear words from the heart of a man who knows what faithful means.

How wonderful! Congratulations to the newlyweds!

She’s a gorgeous young lady❤️❤️❤️ it will be an awesome day with many blessings!! ❤️😊❤️

Congratulations Joe from your former PreK and 4th grade teacher! Best wishes to you both!

That’s wonderful! Congratulations to all! What a beautiful honor!

WOW so very Beautiful for sure!! Congratulations to all of you as how exciting!!

Congratulations on your wedding ! How fun for you and Cindy ❤️

Have fun! Congratulations to Joe and Nataly!

Congratulations to the young couple!! Have fun in Mexico!! We love it there.

Darren, you and Cindy cease to amaze me. Joe and Nataly may Gods richest blessing be on you marriage!

Congratulations, Joe❤ Best wishes, Nataly❤

Congratulations! That will be wonderful and definitely a honor for you to perform the ceremony

I sent this page a message on messenger if someone would please see it and see if you can help. It’s not for me. I’m trying along with a whole community to get a baby boy help. Please.

That could very well be someone Joe found today. I’m still skeptical…

Nice to see you guys at the airport on your way to Cancun. Safe travels!

Congradulations to the newlyweds!! I am sure you will do a great job.

Enjoy!! Congratulations to the Bride and Groom to be🥰

Y'all look great. Nice to see Joe all grown up!

Congratulations, Enjoy, Be safe

Congratulations to you both!

Good picture . Congrats to the wedding couple ❤️..

It will be an awesome wedding!! Darren-maybe you can renew Todd and my vows. lol Have fun kids!!


Best wishes for the lovely couple!

That’s so wonderful. You will do amazing

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I’m not sure what’s going on in France, but unfortunately, the Olympics has been turned into a perverted, woke mess!
This should not be tolerated!!!
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10 hours ago
I’m not sure what’s going on in France, but unfortunately, the Olympics has been turned into a perverted, woke mess!
This should not be tolerated!!!

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My whole life I've heard "we are living in the last days" and generations pass and the world goes on, but, I don't remember any days this vile and blatantly evil, everything against Christianity. America truly scares me. I'm thankful for my salvation!

My son works with a ministry based in Germany Awakening Europe and they have sent a group to join many others that are preaching the gospel all over Paris to all those that are there for the Olympics! Darkness cannot overcome the Light! Pray for an awakening in France and all of Europe. The fields are ready for harvest! 🌾

I just started reading a book—nonfiction-takes place in 1893 Chicago. I attach an excerpt as an example of society then. Sorry if it offends. Though we have a depraved society in many respects there “really is nothing new under the sun”. As Christians we continue to make a difference in people’s lives but we can’t hold non-believers to our standards and be shocked when they behave sinfully.

Disgraceful! Things like this is why I quit watching sports, Hollywood, music industry years ago. Sad!

I quit watching the Olympics four years ago. I loved watching until what I was seeing disturbed my soul. I miss it, but I refuse to watch.

Need more strong Christian men fighting this madness in our state. The schools, universities and libraries have been infiltrated.

Just a reflection of what America, the leader, has become. Now that we promote and allow the rest of the world follows suit.

I didn't take it as trying to depict The Last Supper, thats for sure! It's about art, fashion, playwrite, poetry, thats what France is known for. I might not necessarily align my beliefs and values with all of the costumes and choices of art, but never did I think they mimicing The Last Supper. It's all in how you choose to interpret it. I choose to interpret it as showing different aspects of performing arts.

I won’t be watching the Olympics

I am so glad God isn’t shocked by this. He knows and His plan is in place. ❤️

Looks disgusting. I used to watch it years past when it was decient to watch. So glad for my salvation.

It really has nothing to do with the Olympics. The whole ménage a trois skit was totally uncalled for.

I’m not watching but what I a hearing is disgraceful.

Is The Purge a real thing yet? Asking for a friend.

I watched the opening. The library scene was totally out of line and should have never been in the Olympics. However, I don’t actually think this was supposed to be mocking the Lord’s Supper painting. That was a runway…not a table. One single snapshot of it might look that way out of context, but I honestly don’t think that’s what is going on here. I don’t agree with the costume choices or the lifestyle which they represent, but I think we need to be careful and get the whole story before accusing them of mocking God and Christians with this scene. We cannot expect those that are lost to act saved. But I totally get how this could have looked like a mockery of the last supper from this image alone…and had I only seen this one image, I probably would have believed the same.

That has been going on for several Olympics now. Sad.

What is this nonsense? Completely wrong and disturbing. My God will not be mocked. He will no longer tolerate this. These are definitely the last days and hours. Jesus forgive us.

I totally agree. But sad to say for them God will deal with them.

Concerning the Olympic's blasphemous opening ceremony and the call by many Christians to boycott the entire event...this is my thoughts. What about our athletes? Aren't we abandoning our athletes? They worked hard to proudly compete for their country...my country...our country. This is not their fault. I'm thinking of people like my fellow Christian Riley Gaines who bravely stood up for women's sports when no one else dared. She deserves to be supported by her country and her Christian brothers and sisters regardless of how stupid, arrogant and ignorant the host country acts. I feel we can support our athletes and condemn what took place...then let God take care of His justice on France. Our Savior did not miss a thing! Justice will have it's day. But until then I will support some of these young Christian men and women who by no fault of their own find themselves competing in a country that blasphemes God. We have watched and supported our athletes in the past when they have competed in communist countries that outwardly condemn, even outlaw the Christian faith. I think we can do the same now. Our athletes are not representing France. They are competing against that country. I just think we should all reconsider.

That is disgusting, I am not watching the Olympics if this is what they are standing for.

And also what happened in the library scene…menage a trois. Totally inappropriate for an Olympic Games!!

Those opening ceremonies were beyond words! So bizarre!

I just heard the library seen in the opening ceremony was completely inappropriate for families and children! I'm so glad we didn't watch

I do not understand why politics and religion has to be involved. This is supposed to be about athleticism. Keep religion out of the equation!! One word… Why?

I must have missed that part. I came in when that magnificent horse came running down the river after the parade of athletes. And then…Celine!!!!!

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Remember that time that I got him to commit to serving out his term as governor instead of seeking a national seat? ... See MoreSee Less

2 days ago
Remember that time that I got him to commit to serving out his term as governor instead of seeking a national seat?

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OMG! I guess the rest of the United States will experience what all of us in Illinois are going through.. it won't be good! They think we're a joke now if it happens it'll be worse..

I sure would hate to have him do the same to US as he did to Illinois!!!! Pray and vote!

Wont make a difference TRUMP will win!

He is one they can sacrifice

They want his money. 💰

If he’s offered the position, maybe he would step down as governor to campaign 😁Then they lose this fall as Trump wins the election, and he’s out of a job! Wouldn’t that be wonderful!


This makes sense because JB understands the corrupt Chicago strings that Obama is pulling behind the curtain. He’d play right along with their game.

There should be a law against allowing this much stupidity in the White House at one time

Now does that mean that if he takes that and they don't win .does that mean jb will no longer be able to be Governor?

Illinois is in such great shape, definitely should lead the entire country. 🙄 Lord help us!

We need to pray this doesn’t happen

NOT a Biden fan to say the least and keeping it kind, but this is even WORSE! I pray to God daily and I also ask for this NOT to happen. 🙏

I cannot stand the thought of that incompetent man being VP. I know he wants to be president one day, but as much as he has overtaxed Illinois citizens, I can’t imagine what he would do on the federal level.

Oh dear Lord no!!!

God we are all doomed if this happens.

Get out and vote Republican if you want to stop this coup from the Dems!

Oh what a horrible combo for our country!!

Lord have mercy on this country and the American people!🙏🙏

Lord help us!! This is the most wicked team we could have

God help us!

Maybe he will accept and they both will lose and we can be done with both of them!

..as long as we get no take backs when he loses.

Win win when they lose and he's not governor anymore ...

How could anyone that loved there country vote for that 🤮🤮

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